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Is your "to do" list too long? My Errand Service provides errand running services. The services provided include grocery shopping, pickup and drop-off (pharmacy, post office, dry cleaning, medical supplies, contact lenses,  small item repair), gift delivery, and similar personal errands. Services will also include wait for service, for which in-person waiting at the home for repair personnel, inspections, or deliveries will be provided. No more waiting for the cable guy!

If you don't see the service you need, just call and ask!

Wait for Service
Vacation Service

Need someone to wait for  repairs, services, inspections, or deliveries? My Errand Service will be there. I'll sweat it out, while you cool your heels!


Going on vacation? I'll check your home and stock the fridge the day before you return.

Personal Shopping

Let My Errand Service do your grocery shopping, pickup and drop-off at the pharmacy, and runs to the post office, dry cleaners, or small item repair.

Gift Certificates

Know someone who is recovering from a hospital stay or medical treatment? What about a new parent or new homeowner? Errand running makes a great gift!

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